The Collector Vault Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction and applicability 

  1. The Collector Vault is The Perth Mint’s free rewards program offered to customers.
  2. When a Member joins The Collector Vault, the Member agrees and consents to:
    1. these Terms;
    2. the Privacy Policy; and
    3. receiving communications from The Perth Mint via email, SMS or postal mail, including for the purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy and in these Terms.
  3. It is the Member’s responsibility to review these Terms.

2. Definitions and interpretation

2.1. Definitions

In these Terms unless otherwise required by the context or subject matter:

Benefits means the benefits for each VIP Status Tier published from time to time by The Perth Mint on the Website;

Customer Service Line means The Perth Mint’s customer service contact phone numbers, being:

Dealers and Distributors means an entity or individual to which The Perth Mint has granted the authority to liaise with The Perth Mint customers in relation to any account with The Perth Mint;

Eligible Account means a The Perth Mint retail account which permits customers to purchase collector coins, bullion, jewellery and gifts on the Website or via phone, and can be obtained by signing up on the Website or by calling the Customer Service Line;

Eligible Customer has the meaning given to it in clause 4.1(a);

Eligible Purchase means a purchase of a collector coin from The Perth Mint by a Member:

  1. while logged in to an Eligible Account on the Website; or
  2. by calling the Customer Service Line,
    and expressly excludes the purchases of:
  3. bullion, bullion coins, gifts, loose diamonds and jewellery; and
  4. purchases made in store at The Perth Mint’s retail premises located at 310 Hay Street, East Perth, WA, 6004;

Member means an individual who is a member of The Collector Vault;

Membership means membership of The Collector Vault;

Privacy Policy means The Perth Mint’s privacy policy found at;

Review Date has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4;

Terms means these terms and conditions;

The Perth Mint means Gold Corporation (ABN 98 838 298 431) of 310 Hay Street, East Perth, WA, 6004, a statutory authority of the Government of Western Australia established under the Gold Corporation Act 1987, trading as The Perth Mint;

The Collector Vault means the reward program offered by The Perth Mint, governed by these Terms;

VIP Customers has the meaning given to it in clause 4.2(b);

VIP Status Spend means the amount spent by a Member on Eligible Purchases excluding GST (if applicable) multiplied by 1.1 (expressed in AUD) over any 365-day period but expressly excluding delivery costs and purchases made using guest checkouts or before the Member joined The Collector Vault;

VIP Status Tier means the VIP status levels offered by The Perth Mint as set out in clause 6.2; and

Website means The Perth Mint’s website found at

2.2. Interpretation

In these Terms:

  1. all dollar values are in Australian dollars, inclusive of GST where applicable;
  2. words suggesting the singular include the plural and vice versa;
  3. words suggesting a gender include any gender;
  4. other parts of speech and grammatical forms of a word or phrase defined in these Terms have a corresponding meaning;
  5. a reference to anything (including, but not limited to, any right) includes a part of that thing;
  6. a reference to a statute, regulation, proclamation, ordinance or by law includes all statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances or by laws amending, consolidating or replacing it, and a reference to a statute includes all regulations, proclamations, ordinances and by laws issued under that statute;
  7. a reference to a party includes that party’s successors and permitted assigns;
  8. no provision of these Terms will be construed adversely to a party solely on the ground that the party was responsible for the preparation of these Terms or that provision; and
  9. a covenant or agreement on the part of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally.

3. Applicability

  1. These Terms:
    1. form the basis of The Collector Vault, and are intended to protect both Members and The Perth Mint;
    2. are effective from the date they are published; and
    3. may be amended by The Perth Mint from time to time in accordance with these Terms.
  2. The current Terms are those available on the Website.
  3. Changes to these Terms will be notified to Members in accordance with clause 9.
  4. Each Member and The Perth Mint is bound by these Terms.

4. Membership

4.1. Who can join The Collector Vault

  1. Membership is open to individuals over the age of 18 who have registered for an Eligible Account with The Perth Mint, subject to clause 4.1(c) (Eligible Customer).
  2. Membership is offered at the discretion of The Perth Mint. The Perth Mint has the right to accept or reject any application for Membership in its absolute discretion.
  3. The following individuals are not Eligible Customers:
    1. Dealers and Distributors; and
    2. employees and directors of The Perth Mint.
  4. Each Member may only sign up for one Membership. The creation of multiple Memberships by one individual is prohibited.

4.2. How to join The Collector Vault

  1. Subject to these terms, any Eligible Customer may apply to become a Member by choosing to opt into Membership;
    1. on the Website, by logging into their Eligible Account and following the prompts; or
    2. by contacting The Perth Mint on the Customer Service Line, and
    3. providing all requested information to The Perth Mint; and
    4. agreeing to these Terms.
  2. Prior to the commencement of The Collector Vault, The Perth Mint may, in its absolute discretion, invite select Eligible Customers (VIP Customers) to pre-register for The Collector Vault between 15 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 via email or post (Invitation). A  VIP Customer will become a Member by:
    1. completing the registration requirements set out in the Invitation;
    2. providing all requested information to The Perth Mint; and
    3. agreeing to these Terms.

4.3 Membership

  1. Successful applicants will be assigned a Membership tier and will receive a welcome email upon registration.
  2. The Member’s Membership details will be kept confidential, along with other confidential information, and will be dealt with in accordance with The Perth Mint’s Privacy Policy and clause 11 of these Terms.
  3. The Member’s Membership will at all times be linked to the Member’s Eligible Account.
  4. The Member’s Membership details will be displayed in the Member’s ‘My account’ section of the Website.

4.4 Changes to member details or communications preferences

  1. Each Member must advise The Perth Mint of any change of name, address, phone number or other relevant detail as soon as practicable after the change.
  2. Members can advise The Perth Mint of any changes to their details by logging in to their Eligible Account and updating their details.
  3. Members can update or customise communications preferences by:
    1. clicking the ‘manage your subscriptions’ link found in email communications from The Perth Mint and following the prompts; or
    2. emailing:
  4. Members are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of any information provided to The Perth Mint. Communications sent by The Perth Mint to an email address, phone number or postal mail address associated with a Member’s Membership are deemed to have been duly sent to the Member by The Perth Mint.

5. Benefits

5.1 Overview

  1. Each VIP Status Tier enjoys a variety of benefits made available by The Perth Mint in its sole discretion.
  2. The Benefits a Member will receive depend on which VIP Status Tier the Member has reached.
  3. The Benefits offered to Members at each VIP Status Tier change from time to time, and The Perth Mint reserves the right to make changes to the Benefits in accordance with these Terms. The Perth Mint will publish details of the current Benefits on the Website.

5.2. Pre-ordering benefits

  1. Members who have attained an eligible VIP Status Tier may receive the opportunity to order select products (chosen by The Perth Mint in its absolute discretion) before they are made available to the general public.
  2. Where eligible, Members will receive notification via email that products are available for advance ordering.
  3. To see which products are available for advance ordering, Members can log into their Eligible Account.
  4. A limited amount of stock is available for pre-orders, and all purchases are subject to availability. Being offered the opportunity to pre-order does not guarantee availability.
  5. A purchase limit may apply to the number of products available to pre-order.
  6. Pre-ordered products will not be dispatched before the official product release date.

5.3. Free shipping benefit

  1. Members who have attained an eligible VIP Status Tier may be eligible to receive free shipping worldwide on an order of numismatic products.
  2. Any free shipping benefit offered to a Member excludes any orders containing bullion and deliveries valued over AUD 70,000.

5.4. Free or discounted Perth Mint Gold Tour

  1. Members who have attained an eligible VIP Status Tier may receive the opportunity to take a discounted or free Perth Mint Gold Tour.
  2. Instructions on how to redeem a free or discounted tour will be sent to eligible members via an email.

5.5. Membership

Members can access their Membership information by following the links on the Website to log in to their Eligible Account, or by calling the Customer Service Line.

6. VIP status tiers

6.1. How to obtain a VIP status tier

  1. Members will attain VIP Status Tiers by making Eligible Purchases.
  2. Only Eligible Purchases count in determining Members’ VIP Status Tiers.
  3. Eligible Purchases may take 24 hours to be applied to a Member’s Eligible Account.
  4. Members cannot obtain a benefit from a third-party purchase.
  5. Eligible Purchases are counted towards a VIP Status Tier after the Eligible Purchase has been invoiced by The Perth Mint. The Perth Mint is not responsible for any delays in invoicing Eligible Purchases.
  6. If, after a Member makes and is invoiced for an Eligible Purchase, the Member:
    1. obtains a refund or reimbursement for any product or service; or
    2. does not pay the relevant invoice
      an adjustment will be made to the VIP Status Tier to reflect the amount refunded or reimbursed.
  7. VIP Customers who become Members under clause 4.2(b) will be assigned a VIP Status Tier based on their historical spend on Eligible Products during the 365-day period preceding 29 February 2024.

6.2. VIP status tiers

  1. There are five VIP Status Tiers in The Collector Vault, as set out in the following table:

VIP status tier

VIP status spend (AUD)

VIP status tier


VIP status spend (AUD)


VIP status tier


VIP status spend (AUD)

$1,000 - $4,999.99

VIP status tier


VIP status spend (AUD)

$5,000 - $9,999.99

VIP status tier


VIP status spend (AUD)

$10,000 - $50,000.00

VIP status tier

Platinum Plus

VIP status spend (AUD)


6.3. Calculation of VIP status tiers

  1. A Member’s VIP Status Tier will be upgraded when the Member’s Eligible Account shows that the required VIP Status Spend (in accordance with the table set out at clause 6.2) has been made.
  2. A Member will retain the highest VIP Status Tier attained by that Member for a period of 365 days from meeting the VIP Status Spend.

6.4. Review of VIP status tiers

  1. A Member’s VIP Status Tier is reviewed 365 days after the Member reached that VIP Status Tier to see if it should be adjusted to a lower VIP Status Tier (Review Date).
  2. If the Member has not maintained the VIP Status Spend required for that Member’s VIP Status Tier in the 365-day period prior to the Review Date, the Member’s VIP Status Tier will be adjusted down accordingly to reflect the VIP Status Spend over the previous 365-day period.
  3. Members can review the date they attained their current VIP Status Tier by logging on to their Eligible Account.

6.5. Platinum plus

  1. Once a Member attains the Platinum Plus VIP Status Tier, their VIP Status Tier cannot be adjusted down under clause 6.4, and the Member will retain the Platinum Plus VIP Status Tier for life, subject to the provisions of clause 8.

6.6. Redeeming benefits

  1. Each Benefit will be available to be redeemed during a certain period determined by The Perth Mint. Members must redeem the Benefit during that period or it will be forfeited.
  2. Members can view available Benefits on the Website.
  3. If a Member moves to a new VIP Status Tier, the Benefits of the new VIP Status Tier applicable replace, and do not merge with, any Benefits of the previous VIP Status Tier.
  4. Benefits are:
    1. subject to availability; and
    2. not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash or equivalent.
  5. Memberships, VIP Status Spends and VIP Status Tiers cannot be transferred, sold, purchased, assigned or shared (including in the event of a death, divorce, separation, or when a Membership is terminated).

6.7. Errors

  1. In the event that a Member believes that an error has occurred and the VIP tier assigned to the Member does not accurately reflect an Eligible Purchase the Member has made, the Member must contact The Perth Mint by calling the Customer Service Line within thirty days of the invoice date associated with the relevant Eligible Purchase and provide the sale receipt relating to that Eligible Purchase.
  2. The Perth Mint assumes no responsibility for errors that may occur when recording Eligible Purchases.
  3. If The Perth Mint becomes aware that a Member’s VIP Status Tier is incorrect, The Perth Mint may amend the Member’s VIP Status Tier at any time without notice.

7. Member obligations

Members must not:

  1. breach these Terms;
  2. breach any other The Perth Mint terms and conditions that apply to them in their dealings with The Perth Mint;
  3. abuse or misuse The Collector Vault or any Benefits accorded to the Member as a result of Membership;
  4. engage in any unacceptable conduct against The Perth Mint, including by:
    1. breaching The Perth Mint’s customer code of conduct, found on the website;
    2. supplying false or misleading information; or
    3. engaging in illegal, dishonest or fraudulent activities.

8. Termination

8.1. Termination

  1. Members may terminate their Membership at any time:
    1. by logging in to their Eligible Account and following the prompts; or
    2. by contacting the Customer Service Line.
  2. The Perth Mint may terminate a Member’s Membership:
    1. at any time without cause upon 30 days’ written notice to that Member;
    2. without notice if a Member does not use their Membership for an extended period of time and, as a result, The Perth Mint reasonably believes that the Member is no longer a customer of The Perth Mint; and
    3. without notice if The Perth Mint reasonably believes that a Member has breached these Terms, or the terms and conditions of the Eligible Account that the Member has agreed to.
  3. Upon termination, Members will no longer be entitled to access the Benefits.
  4. Members can reactivate a terminated Membership by contacting the Customer Service Line.
  5. If a Membership is reactivated within 12 months of the date the Membership was terminated, the Member will be reinstated to the VIP Status Tier they held upon termination. However, the Review Date will remain the same as prior to termination.
  6. Terminating a Membership does not close the Member’s Eligible Account, or any other The Perth Mint account. To close the Eligible Account or other The Perth Mint accounts, please refer to the relevant products’ terms and conditions.

9. Changes to The Collector Vault

  1. The Perth Mint reserves the right to make any changes (whether material or otherwise) to the Terms or the Benefits.
  2. In the event of a change to the Terms or the Benefits, The Perth Mint will publish the updated Terms or Benefits on the Website.
  3. If a change reduces, alters, or varies the Benefits available to a Member, The Perth Mint will provide advance notice on the Website of at least seven days.
  4. If a Member continues to use The Collector Vault after the new Terms or Benefits are uploaded to the Website, the Member will be deemed to have accepted the relevant changes.

10. Liability

  1. The Perth Mint makes no representations or warranties to Members in relation to The Collector Vault, the Benefits or the value of Membership, other than those The Perth Mint cannot exclude as a matter of law.
  2. The Perth Mint excludes all liability to Members in relation to Members’ Membership and the Benefits other than any liability it cannot exclude at law.
  3. If liability cannot be excluded at law in accordance with clauses 10.1(a) and (b) then, to the extent permitted by law, The Perth Mint’s liability to Members will be limited to the re-supply of any Benefits a Member is entitled to as a result of the Member’s Membership.

11. Privacy

  1. Any personal information submitted by a Member to The Perth Mint is subject to and will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  2. Each Member acknowledges that The Perth Mint collects, uses and discloses information about the Member in order for The Perth Mint to provide the Member with the Benefits and administer The Collector Vault and undertake the activities further set out in this clause.
  3. In addition to the purposes set out in clause 11(b) and in the Privacy Policy, The Perth Mint collects personal information about each Member for additional activities including to facilitate the Member’s participation in The Collector Vault.

12. General

12.1. Severability and Jurisdiction

  1. If any provision of these Terms becomes invalid by law, regulation or proceeding, all other provisions remain in full force and effect.
  2. The agreement evidenced by these Terms is governed by the laws of the State of Western Australia and applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Australia and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and courts which hear appeals from those courts.

12.2. Waivers and remedies cumulative

  1. No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right power or remedy under these Terms operate as a waiver, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of that or any other right, power or remedy.
  2. The rights, powers and remedies provided to The Perth Mint under these Terms are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights, powers or remedies provided by law.

12.3. No Solicitation

These Terms do not constitute an invitation to buy or the solicitation of an offer to sell services or products to any person or entity in any state, country or jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation is unlawful.